Posted April 17, 2015 by Craig

This shares the principles with which we interact with owners, leadership and company talent.
- People work perfectly. No one is wrong or broken. We are carrying out our strategies perfectly, but they may be poorly designed or ineffective with our maps.
- People respond to life’s events according to their internal maps and strategies. On any given day we make the best choices we can, given the detail of our map and strategies.
- A person is not the sum of their behavior. Every behavior has at least one positive intention – to achieve something of value and benefit.
- All actions have a purpose. They are not random; we are always trying to achieve something, although we may not be aware of what that is.
- We create our own maps of the world. We have created maps for work, relationships, personal development, everything we do. However, they are never truly accurate because they are based on our perceptions.
- We process all information through our senses.
- Mind and body form a system. They are different expressions of the one person. It is not possible to make a change in one without the other being affected.
- The unconscious mind balances the conscious. Together they contain all the resources we need to live in balance.
- Freedom of action implies having more than one option or choice for responding to life’s encounters. And having options is much better than not having any.
- We already have all the resources we need or we can create them.
- The meaning of any and all communication is not simply what you intend, but also the response you get.
- Modeling successful performance leads to excellence.
- If you want to understand – act. The learning is in the doing.
- There is no particular order of importance or application. If you concur with most of these basic presuppositions of how people operate, we are sharing the same perspective.
There is more to remember. Turn up the light.